To be released January 8, 2013What happens when the college student who abandoned her baby finds the woman who rescued it and steals the infant back?
Marissa Fleming isn't ready to be a mother. She’s just a sophomore in college with her whole life ahead of her when an unplanned pregnancy changes everything. Her boyfriend isn't interested in being a father, abortion is out of the question, and she can't bring herself to tell her parents or her friends. She doesn't know what to do. So, she doesn't do anything. She keeps her condition a deep, dark secret until she gives birth--all alone in her dorm room. And then, there's another problem...what to do with the baby? Libby Armstrong is an unhappy person. She's lonely, overweight, with low self-esteem and no direction in life until one November morning on her way into the grocery store to stock up on Oreos, she notices an athletic bag sitting next to the cart corral. Inside, she discovers a little miracle--a newborn baby boy abandoned outside on a cold Wisconsin morning as if he were an unwanted litter of kittens. She knows she should turn him in to the authorities, but she hates the thought of him going through the foster care system. In an instant, she makes a life-altering decision. She decides to keep him, telling everyone he is hers, that she didn't know she was pregnant. Lie upon lie upon lie. But Baby David is worth it. His presence changes Libby's life, and she finally realizes the happiness that had been missing. But Marissa can't get her baby out of her head. When she'd made that terrible decision to give him up, she hadn't realized how strong the maternal connection would be. She becomes obsessed with finding him, and one day she gets a lucky break when her path crosses Libby’s. She steals him back and runs to a distant city. A fugitive with a huge responsibility. But is she prepared for what it takes to provide for herself and the tiny boy? Can Libby find solace with the hole that has been ripped in her heart? This story is women's fiction set in 1980 Wisconsin. The plot was inspired by a story I heard on the radio years ago where a woman found a newborn in a bag outside the bank where she worked. She, of course, turned it over to the authorities. But I couldn't help wondering: what if? The baby in the photo at the top is my adorable greatniece, Lainey. The photo was taken by her mother Kate McKenna Bradley. |